Learning by doing is FUN!
LastenAmis is a learning environment and an approach for cooperation between vocational education and training (VET), early childhood education and care (ECEC) and basic education.

About LastenAmis
LastenAmis is a learning environment and an approach for cooperation between vocational education and training (VET), early childhood education and care (ECEC) and basic education.
LastenAmis provides experiences of success and a new way of learning by action through exercise, play, experimentation, insight and enthusiasm.
Raseko’s concept is the first of its kind in Finland. The idea is to develop cooperation and introduce children to VET at an early age. Children and youth have an active role in LastenAmis. They get to do and try things out themselves, learn new things and develop their skills in a motivating environment. Their activities are supervised by young people and adults who are studying in VET and who are also primarily responsible for planning, implementing and supervising various activity days as part of their studies.
Some of the activities involve established cooperation with ECEC centres and schools. New approaches are also constantly developed. We try to provide our cooperation partners topical content e.g. related to the National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education and Care or the contents of the curriculum. Current events and descriptions of the approaches can be found on this website (in Finnish).